
Why I Believe the Bible

From my earliest childhood, I recognized the Bible as a very special Book. In Sunday school, as well as in our home, the Bible had a place given to no other book. While I cannot recall my father ever reading a newspaper at the dinner table, it was our family custom to read a portion of Scripture and have family prayer each day. Even before I could read I was taught to memorize short verses of the Bible. Later I joined with the rest of the family in reciting almost daily some portion of S...

The Great Story of Your Walk with God

When it first happened, you could hardly understand it. You had been seeking something that was missing in your life — an inner peace, a sense of having found the real meaning of life. You had struggled with your own failures, your foreboding sense of God's disapproval, and you had struggled to comprehend what Christians were talking about when they said they had found peace with God. Gradually the Light Dawns You began to understand that your problems were too great for you to solve,...

Learning from Abraham about the Life of Faith

In the Bible's hall of fame in Hebrews 11, candid pictures are given of great men whose faith stands out in Old Testament history like stars on a dark night. All except Abel and Enoch are descendants of Abraham, the man of faith. In this chronicle Abraham is given almost half the space, twice that allocated to the law-giver, Moses. Likewise in Genesis, the story of Abraham and his family is spread over the book from chapter 11 through chapter 50, while only two chapters are given to the e...

Does God Let Your Prayers Go Unanswered?

In my fifty years of leadership and teaching at Dallas Theological Seminary I saw many dramatic answers to prayer. But I have also seen many of my prayers go unanswered. The answered prayers have built my faith, strengthened my walk with God, and given me hope in the midst of perplexing problems. But the silence of God creates tension for me. I find God's silence difficult or sometimes impossible to explain. Is God Really Silent? Because of this tension, I have done a great deal of think...